Why Do Macs Suck For Gaming


Apple has always lagged behind the PC in providing good gaming experiences due to the company's lack of support and emphasis for games. While many earlier titles like SimCity and Oregon Trail ran on Apple's Macintosh (Mac) computers, their line of computers was rarely what any gamer would want to pick up to play games.

In contrast, Microsoft has always supported games, with innovative tech like DirectX and encouraging game developers to release titles on Windows.

In this latest video, we explore why Apple's Mac computers suck for gaming. They may be good at a lot of things, but playing the latest titles isn't one of them.

  1. Jun 10, 2007 I guess they do have to sell their product, but their certainty in 'facts' such as 'macs don't crash' is worrying. But that doesn't annoy me as much as the people in my original post lol. And the ones who criticise me having a mac, just generally. They like, ask 101 questions about why I bought one. How about to each their own?
  2. In my opinion, it's mostly that Macs do not have the variety of options for super-powered, gaming-focused video cards that PCs do. Less titles are available for the Mac OS as well, although a lot of progress has been made in the last couple of years with games on steam releasing for multiple platforms.

Why Do Macs Suck For Gaming Pc

Why do Macs suck at gaming? I recently bought a macbook pro, top configuration and was excited about the fact that i would be able to run osx, and then.