Lan Game Between Mac And Pc

Me and some friends are having a LAN party in a week or so and today I thought it would be a good idea to test out my switch which I got from my work place (the switch is pretty old) so I took my g5 and switch to my friend house to see if we could get a couple of games to play together over LAN.
We were unable to get the computers to connect to each other over LAN via the switch, but when we connected the computers directly to each other via Ethernet we were able to start a game and play together. So my question is: do I need to configure the switch, or computers to connect to each other as a LAN?
There are going to be two Macs and ten PCs at te LAN party.
LanMultiplayer lan pc games

Lan Game Between Mac And Pc Game

Now I'm trying to find a High Graphics Offline Multiplayer LAN Games, Preferably First person, Role-playing, Action, Adventure, Stealth or Racing. How to connect Mac and Windows 10 PC and share files over a network File sharing between a Windows 10 PC and a Mac (running Mac OS X or macOS) is more complex than you'd imagine. A Mac is a PC (personal computer). You probably mean 'between Windows and Mac OS'. You can cross-play between Linux, Mac OS, and Windows, or any other suitable OS that can run Java, as long as they're all running Java Edition.

Power Mac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.8), i has iPhone 3GS

Top Lan Pc Games

Mac Vs Pc

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